Product Listing Ads

Product Listing Ads Ad Group Strategy

How to Create Brand Ad Groups For 'Product Listing Ads'? Just like other ad groups, merchants can create ad groups for specific brands; all that you have to do is use...

How To Set Up Your Google Merchant Center Account For Google Product Listing Ads (PLAs)?

The first and the foremost thing that you need to do is to get yourself up and functional on the Google Merchant Center - the place where you...

Creating ‘Product Listing Ads’ Extensions on Google Shopping

Why Create a New AdWords Extension for Your 'Product Listing Ads'? In the beginning, when merchants set up their PLA Campaigns, instead of using a pre-existing extension, they should create a new...

How to Link AdWords Account to your Google Merchant Login

This is How You Can Link AdWords Account to your Google Merchant Login 1) First and foremost, log into your Google Merchant Login (GML) 2) Next, go to Settings, followed by...

Getting Started With Google Product Listing Ads

We express our thanks to you for showing interest in this book on Google Shopping. With more than 100 pages, this great resource was created by inputs from SEMConsultants Google...