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Google shopping Data Feed Optimization

On the basis of the statistics that Google Analytics shows, merchants should improve their data feed so that it becomes easier for Google to decide the right placement for...

CPA Campaigns – How to Make Google Shopping Work Like Ebay or Amazon

This is How You Can Make Your Google Shopping Work Like Amazon & Ebay

There is no doubt that merchants have to pay to list products on Google Shopping, but...

Making Adjustments to Your Data Feed on Google Shopping

If you are one of the merchants who know how to change your data feeds, then you are in the perfect position to use the AdWords column to create...

Free Google Shopping Clicks

Free Google Clicks Still Going Strong It has been noted that though Google free clicks have been decreasing gradually over time, many sellers still get them! They are definitely a big...

Google Shopping Ad Group Structure Best Practices

Structure Your Ad Groups

Merchants don’t need to create an ad group for each and every brand present in their data feeds. Doing such a...

Monitor Your Budget on Google Shopping Ads

Monitoring your budget should be one of your biggest priorities. Especially so, because no alerts are sent to the merchants on Google Shopping in case their daily budget is...

Determine Which Days of the Week Perform Best for Your Google Shopping Ads Campaign

Google AdWords provides its merchants the ability to view the ‘day of the week’ metrics associated with their PLA Campaign.   This is indeed one of the coolest features that AdWords...

Schedule Product Listing Ads CPC Bids

Schedule Your Product Listing Ad Bids

1) Create day of the week bidding rules

After identifying the...

How to Create Special Offers on Product Listing Ads

Just like Trusted Stores, ‘Special Offers’ is one of the many new features on Google Shopping that gives the retailers yet another chance to tell the online shoppers about...

Google Trusted Stores And Google Wallet

Google Trusted Stores At the gist of it all, just like Amazon and other online shopping websites, Google Shopping is also a comparison shopping engine. Note: On Google Shopping, shoppers search...