Product Listing Ads Ad Group Strategy

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How to Create Brand Ad Groups For ‘Product Listing Ads’?

Just like other ad groups, merchants can create ad groups for specific brands; all that you have to do is use labels in AdWords’ label column. And the best part is that you do not have to make any changes to the product feed, provided the feed contains the correct information about the brand.

  1. Start by Identifying products in Google Analytics

To go ahead with the brand ad group creation, first, identify the brands among your best sellers that are converting well. For that, you will need to use Google Analytics.

This data can be accessed in Google Analytics by following these steps

  • Go to the Conversions
  • Choose Ecommerce
  • Go to product performance
  • Choose the Product followed by SKU/product category
  1. Next, Identify the top best-performing brands

Identify the best selling products in Google Analytics, and when that is accomplished, look for names of the brands to which they belong. While doing so create a pivot table in your data feed to record the brand values and the conversion data for each brand. For this, you can use Vlookup or excel in your data feed.

Note that, every shopping cart keeps a lot of information about the products at hand in an organized way. Which means that all this data is already available on your backend and what we are suggesting is just another way of doing it.

Besides all this, you can also obtain brand reports on different CSEs. For instance, on PriceGrabber, you can check out which brands sell the most, that too by date.

  1. Create a brand ad group(s)

Once the brands are identified, create a new ad group for each brand on your Google Shopping PLAs campaign.

One needs to set the bids for these brand ad groups higher than your All Product Ad group, this is important because this will ensure that your brand ads get more exposure.

Therefore, in the above example, if you want the campaign to be effective, the brand bids need to be higher than 35 cents.

Except for the ‘All Product Ad’ Group, the bids for all other ad groups – like which brand should be bid higher than the other – ought to be set depending on the performance data extracted from Analytics. For instance, if there is a brand as per Analytics data which is performing even better than your best seller ad group, it will be in your best interest to give that brand a higher bid, and vice-versa. Also in case of brands, if one brand, say X, is performing better than the other brand Y, set X’s bid higher than Y.


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